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I used the official objectives and sample test to construct these questions, but cannot promise that they accurately reflect what’s on the real test.   Some of the sample questions were more convoluted than I could bear to write.   See terms of use.   See the MTEL Practice Test main page to view questions on a particular topic or to download paper practice tests.

MTEL General Curriculum Mathematics Practice

Question 1

Which of the following is closest to the height of a college student in centimeters?


1.6 cm

This is more the height of a Lego toy college student -- less than an inch!

16 cm

Less than knee high on most college students.

160 cm

Remember, a meter stick (a little bigger than a yard stick) is 100 cm. Also good to know is that 4 inches is approximately 10 cm.

1600 cm

This college student might be taller than some campus buildings!
Question 1 Explanation: 
Topic: Estimate and calculate measurements using customary, metric, and nonstandard units of measurement (Objective 0023).
There is 1 question to complete.

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